Sue Somerville
Sue Somerville fell in love with stained glass at Notre Dame on a high school French field trip. She took her first stained glass class from kaleidoscope pro, Kay Winkler, in the early '80s and was hooked! She has a degree in Computer Science and lives in McLean with her husband, daughter, and 2 dogs. Sue has chaired several juried and all-member guild shows including “Wild Things” at Glen Echo, MD and “United We Stand – Art Unmasked” in Annandale, VA. She coordinated many guild outreach events at Festival of the Building Arts and Big Build at National Building Museum, the Workhouse in Lorton, VA, and the Glass Art Festival in Glen Echo, MD. Sue enjoys demonstrating stained glass and mosaic construction at events such as Fairfax County Wine Tasting and Dolley Madison Library showcase.
Billy Goat Trail
3 Dogs and a Boat
Moonlit Lily
Howling at the Moon
Border Collie Dreams
Arrow Cabinets
Arrow Cabinets
Arrow Corner Cabinet
Arrow Cabinet closeup
Fruit Cabinets
Fruit Cabinets closeup
Fruit Trivets
Abstract Trivet
TV Turned Fireplace
Patron 9
Profile, Mistletoe
Trekkie Pin
Feather Pin